Ayurveda is India’s ancient healing system of body, mind and consciousness. Derived from the sacred Vedic texts and dating back over 5,000 years, it is the oldest recorded history of timeless vibrational wisdom emanating from the source of all knowledge.
In each individual there is usually a single or duel combination Dosha. Reconnecting with Ayurveda will teach you to recognize your Dosha and take the necessary steps to return to your natural state of equilibrium. The treatments offered by our skilled Ayurveda practitioners will help you achieve the balance that we all strive for. Read more about them here:
According to Ayurveda, every individual in nature has an inherent and unique combination or blueprint of the five fundamental elements: Space, Air, Fire, Water and Earth. These elements determine our predominant constitution, called Prakruti. These dynamic energies manifest through their intrinsic qualities and are represented by Vata, Pitta, Kapha.
In each individual there is usually a single or duel combination Dosha. Reconnecting with Ayurveda will teach you to recognize your Dosha and take the necessary steps to return to your natural state of equilibrium. The treatments offered by our skilled Ayurveda practitioners will help you achieve the balance that we all strive for.
The Vata Dosha contains Space and Air elements, the natural force for movement and material manifestation.
Ayurveda teaches that when a person’s Vata dosha is in balance, their individual characteristics are active and creative. They are gifted with a natural ability to express and communicate, enabling them to be quick in their thoughts and actions. This makes them natural artists and entertainers, as well as good company.
A Vata person is usually tall and slim, with a fine-boned build and small features. He or she will have a tendency towards cold hands and feet, leading to discomfort in cold climates. Vata are also prone to dry conditions in the body.
An imbalanced Vata person will have a tendency to act on impulse, be ever-changeable, and will easily develop anxiety and insomnia. Imbalance may also lead to feeling unable to find a direction in life or a clear path to follow.
The Pitta Dosha contains Fire and Water elements, the natural force for transformation and change.
Pitta personalities make excellent leaders and facilitators for change. They are warm hearted, open, giving, orderly, and focused with a sharp mind. When fire and water elements are in balance, they are self-confident and entrepreneurial.
Pitta people are usually of Medium physique, with a strong appetite, and will get irritated if they have to wait for or miss out on a meal. When out of balance, Pitta can be overly assertive and dogmatic in their approach to the world, and when under stress can become irritable and aggressive.
In Ayurveda, we learn that Pitta in excess can result in physical problems, including inflammatory diseases such as heat rashes, acne, boils, ulcers, heartburn and cancer. Dry or burning eyes can also occur.
The Kapha Dosha contains Water and Earth elements, the natural force for cohesion and structure.
A balanced Kapha individual will display an easygoing and relaxed demeanor, approaching life at a slower pace. They are affectionate and loving, as well as forgiving and compassionate. Commonly, they have a nonjudgmental nature, are always stable and reliable, and can be an anchor point of stability for others. Physically, they are strong and have a sturdy, heavier build with lustrous hair and supple skin.
Kapha constitutional health is excellent, and they have a good immune system. This gives them the most energy of all the Doshas, and it is generally steady and enduring.
When out of balance, Kapha can be overly possessive, looking for comfort in their life by over-indulging. Kapha people have a tendency towards being overweight, lethargic and prone to depression. Cold, damp weather does not suit them; physical ailments include poor digestion, water retention, obesity, hypothyroidism, and tumors. Respiratory problems such as asthma, allergies and sinus congestion will affect them as well.

Ayurvedic consultation
Your healing retreat at the Mountain Top Clinic will begin with a personal consultation, where your case history will be discussed in detail with your Ayurvedic physician. During this time of inquiry your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing will be explored, guiding you to an understanding of your unique energetic constitution (one or a combination of the three Doshas), that determines your body type and current state of imbalance.
Your individual Ayurvedic healing program will be prepared based on your constitution and specific health issues, and will be updated on a daily basis following regular interaction with your Doctor and his team. Your program will include herbal teas, powders, external body treatments, Panchakarma, and simple, easy-to-digest vegetarian meals, sourced from the freshest natural and locally grown ingredients. All of your treatments will be carefully administered by our fully qualified staff of therapists.Female guests will be treated by female therapists, and male guests will be treated by male therapists. Daily evaluation is continued throughout your stay and includes regular consultations, updates, and one-on-one counseling sessions with your Ayurvedic physician.
Panchakarma is described in classic Ayurvedic texts and referred to as five types of therapeutic actions: Vamana, Virechana, Nasya, Basti and Raktamoskshana. All are essential parts of your Panchakarma treatment program in cleansing and eliminating residual toxic impurities (Ama) that have accumulated throughout the bodily tissues (Dhatus), due to your experiences, emotions and environmental factors. These impurities create imbalance and ultimately lead to disharmony and disease.
To start your body’s detox process, our Panchakarma protocol begins with oleation, the Ayurvedic practice of preparing your body for purification by administering combinations of ghee and oils, both internally and externally. This is supplemented with personalized Ayurvedic warm herbal oil massage therapies, such as Abhyanga, Kashaya Seka and Shiro Dhara.
Another key aspect at this stage of your treatment is “Swedana.” Translated from Sanskrit, it means “that which produces heat in the system.” This medicated steam bath, when used in combination with warm oil massage therapies, helps to create a soothing, calming affect on the mind and body, reducing pain and discomfort, and allowing you to ease into the process of detoxification.
Now that the process of release and elimination of toxins from the bodily tissues has begun, we can introduce the next stage of your daily therapeutic treatments, which includes Bastis. These medicated enemas from oils, ghee and herbal preparations are effective in flushing toxins from the intestinal tract, primarily for balancing Vata Dosha, which has a direct connection to the colon. The natural healing benefits of Panchakarma treatments continue at this stage by nourishing the tissues and eliminating fat soluble toxins that are stored at the deeper levels of the body.
Following your Bastis treatments, we can now begin the application of Nasya therapy, the infusion of pure herbal oils and ghee through the nasal passages, which cleanses the upper respiratory tract and sinuses. This gentle process enhances mental and sensory acuity, promoting clarity and emotional wellbeing, and clears the pathway to consciousness by opening the entrance for “Prana” (the life force) to enter into the body through the breath.
The final stage of Panchakarma is “Rasayana,” which means “rejuvenation.” As you near the end of your personal healing journey, it is essential to replenish your “Ojas” (essence), and nourish every aspect of your life, from the physical and psychological to the metaphysical. This means engaging in all of the many treatments and activities available to you at the MTC, from vibrant, natural foods and herbs that boost the immune system, to revitalizing massage, to healing practices such as meditation and yoga. Opening yourself to these experiences will continue to aid you along your path to longevity, health and vitality.
Ayurvedic Treatment Program
Our Ayurvedic Panchakarma program options range from 1 to 8 weeks, depending on your needs. It is advisable to undergo at least a 3 to 4 week program of Panchakarma therapy (Detox, Purification, and Rejuvenation) to support the natural ability of your body to heal any chronic illness that you will present at the clinic.
Our program will not only treat your body, but will also help you in sustaining the long-term health benefits of your treatments. You will leave the Mountain Top Ayurveda Clinic with all the necessary knowledge to maintain a healthy lifestyle and aid in the prevention of any future diseases.