Good sleep is essential for your physical and mental well-being. If you get adequate, undisturbed sleep every night, it will boost your immune system, help you manage weight, enhance your mental clarity, reduce stress, keep your heart in good condition, and boost your memory.
According to science, 7–9 hours of sleep every night is a must for adults. However, you may be sleeping less because of an unhealthy lifestyle, inconsistent sleep cycles, stress, or other factors. Spending sleepless nights can be detrimental to your mental and physical health in the long run.
If you suffer from sleep disorders, like insomnia, we suggest you visit the best Ayurvedic clinic and undergo treatment. If you do not suffer from any such disorders, yet find it difficult to sleep peacefully or want to adopt a healthy sleep routine, Ayurveda has some secrets to share.
Ayurveda’s Secrets to Good Sleep
According to Ayurveda, every individual is governed by a dosha. There are three doshas: Vata, Pitta and Kapha. From physical features to ailments, the doshas influence every aspect of our being.
Your dominant dosha influences your sleep pattern, and dosha imbalance could affect it. Visit an Ayurvedic wellness retreat and talk to the best Ayurvedic doctor in India to learn about your dosha type. It will help you understand your sleep pattern, and the doctor can recommend ways to improve your sleep quality. Here are someAyurvedic tips that may help you improve your sleep pattern.
1. Say no to caffeine before sleep time
A cup of coffee in the morning is an excellent energy booster, and you might even sip on cups of coffee throughout the day to stay active. However, cut down on coffee after lunch, as coffee in the latter half of the day will stimulate your nervous system and give you trouble falling asleep at night.
If you crave a beverage in the evening, you may consider having herbal teas prepared with Ayurvedic herbs that calm your mind and relieve stress.
(Only a qualified and experienced Ayurvedic physician can prescribe such herbal concoctions. Do not prepare or consume such concoctions without proper medical guidance.)
2. Keep your dinner light
If you usually tend to have a big dinner, it’s time to change that habit! Your breakfast should be the biggest meal of your day and your dinner should be minimal. Your digestive fire is strong during the day, and no matter how large a meal you consume, it will be duly processed by your digestive system.
But after noon, your digestive power weakens and your body does not require much energy!Consuming heavy meals at dinner will lead to indigestion as a result of which your sleep cycle get disrupted. Always keep your dinner light and allow your body to heal and regenerate itself through sound sleep. The best Ayurvedic doctor in India can give you specific tips in this regard.
3. Follow a routine
Visit an Ayurvedic wellness retreat to learn more about the importance of following a daily routine. Preparing and adhering to a daily routine is essential for you to get good sleep every night. If you have irregular meals, work late into the night, wake up late or skip breakfast, you may end up getting inadequate sleep. Create a schedule for your mealtimes and bedtime and set an alarm to wake up at the same time every day. Follow a schedule without any disruption, let your body find its rhythm and watch as your sleep cycle improves naturally!
4. Switch off
Do not go to bed with an assortment of gadgets. Switch off all your devices before bed – laptops, tablets, mobile phones or anything else with a screen! Instead of playing games or checking your social media feed, practice meditation, read a good book, listen to good music or take a stroll in your garden and spend time in nature half an hour before you sleep. Keep all your to-do lists away from your mind and let your mind relax. You can also take a warm, soothing bath to ensure a good night’s sleep. At the best Ayurvedic clinic you can learn more about rituals that promote good sleep.
5. Sleep before the Pitta Time
In Ayurveda, the day is divided into two separate cycles (each a duration of 12 hours). One 12-hour cycle is broken into three cycles of four hours each, and each cycle is governed by a dosha. According to Ayurveda, the 10 pm — 2 am slot is called the Pitta time, and it is advisable to go to sleep before this time for optimal sleep.The best Ayurvedic doctors will be able to guide you on this.
Hopefully, these Ayurvedic secrets will help you enjoy good sleep. However, we will always advise you to contact the best Ayurvedic clinic or Ayurvedic doctor to get solutions that will help improve your overall health.
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