A Definitive Guide to the Different Branches of Ayurveda

Despite  Ayurveda’s  5000-year-old history, its awareness remains limited. A significant portion of the population remain oblivious to both the extent and profound nature of this science of life. Nevertheless, confidence in Ayurveda continues to surge due to its distinctive approach – it goes beyond surface-level issues. This age-old healing practice identifies the underlying causes and reinforces your body’s capacity for self-healing. 

Ayurvedic treatment offered at the best Ayurvedic clinic is more than a combination of therapies, herbal medication and oil massages. Ayurveda stands as a  well-researched scientific discipline. A comprehensive understanding of this practice can be achieved through enrolling in a specialized certificate course in Ayurvedic medicine.

Embark on a journey of discovery as we unveil the essence of Ayurveda’s eight branches, also known as Ashtang Ayurveda.

Ayurvedic wellness: What are the eight branches of Ayurveda?

1. Kayachikitsa 

The first branch of Ayurveda, Kayachikitsa, deals with internal medicine. Marrying ‘kaya’, signifying the body, and ‘chikitsa’, denoting treatment, Kayachikitsa is the bedrock of Ayurvedic treatment. It focuses on general health issues like fever, stomach disorders and skin conditions. . This branch of Ayurveda is concerned with Agni (the fire element in our body). It seeks to address health issues caused by a sluggish metabolism and poor digestive system functioning. Kayachikitsa aims to fix these problems and bring the fire element of our body into balance. If you’re looking to learn more, or receive top-notch care, visit the best Ayurvedic clinic  for  Ayurvedic treatment in India

2. Baala Chikitsa

Baala Chikitsa,  also known as Kaumarbhritya, is the next branch of Ayurveda.  Rooted in the Kashyapa Samhita (one of the ancient Ayurvedic texts), this branch specializes in pediatric care. Baala Chikitsa centers around the well-being of children and their health challenges.  Its foundation rests on three distinct principles: children cannot express  their problems as adults do, any treatment administered to them must be safe for them and their doses vary from those of adults. Baala Chikitsa takes a holistic approach toward children’s health and well-being and provides preventive measures to keep children healthy. Visit the best Ayurvedic clinic for consultation with the best Ayurvedic doctor in India

3. Graha Chikitsa 

Graha Chikitsa is the next branch of Ayurveda, and  deals with the mental well-being of an individual. This psychology-led branch of Ayurvedic therapy focuses on mental health issues, including  psychological and psychiatric issues, and aims to address the underlying causes of various mental ailments. Ayurvedic treatment tenets state that your physical health and general well-being are correlated with your mental health. If you require treatment, you must contact the top Ayurvedic doctors in India

4. Shalya Chikitsa 

Shalya Chikitsa in Ayurveda refers to surgical procedures. The word Shalya indicates a harmful foreign object in one’s body, and Chikitsa means treatment.  So this branch of Ayurveda helps when there is something harmful in the body that needs to be removed or eliminated. It includes surgeries and treatments that do not need surgery, like using fire (Agnikarma) or letting out blood, if necessary.  For this treatment, a competent physician with a certificate in Ayurvedic therapy and specialization in this field is required.

5. Urdhwanga Chikitsa

The EENT or Urdhwanga Chikitsa is that branch of Ayurvedic treatment that targets the eyes, ears, nose, neck and head.  Any disorder related to these body parts would fall under this branch.  It involves:

It is a highly specialized area of Ayurvedic medicine that deals with upper-body diseases. Reach out to the best Ayurvedic clinic for this treatment. 

6. Damstra Chikitsa 

Damstra Chikitsa is the toxicology branch of Ayurvedic treatment. It deals with poisoning that may result from animal bites, pollution and toxins present in chemicals and plants. This branch concerns itself with finding solutions that prevent and cure the effects of toxins on human health.

7. Vajikarana Chikitsa

Vajikarana Chikitsa is a highly specialized branch of Ayurvedic treatment that is concerned with enhancing one’s sexual health and fertility. It deals with ailments of the reproductive organs, including erectile dysfunction and infertility. Ayurvedic treatment procedures in this branch range from herbal medicines to therapies and may even include dietary changes suggested by the best Ayurvedic doctor in India.

8. Rasayana Chikitsa 

With Rasayana Chikitsa or Jara Chikitsa, we come to the final branch of Ayurvedic treatment. The branch of Ayurvedic treatment is related to geriatrics and focuses on rejuvenation and longevity. It prioritizes preventive measures to combat the effects of aging. It aims to prevent premature aging and boost your internal system, thereby allowing  people to age naturally and in a healthy manner. This branch specifies diet, lifestyle and herbal medication to protect the body from age-related diseases. Only the top Ayurvedic doctors in India should be consulted in treatment of such cases. 

These eight Ayurvedic branches address various aspects of both mental and physical health. When seeking any kind of Ayurvedic treatment, it’s a good idea to visit a top Ayurvedic wellness center. At Mountain Top Clinic, we provide Ayurvedic treatments and Panchakarma detox programs. Feel free to get in touch with us to know more about how our treatments can help you.


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